Last spring, the gophers feasted on our parsnips and left only a few for us. So this year I decided to grow them in containers. This is what they look like right now, after all the greens froze. They don’t look like much right now, but there is treasure under the soil! And this year, George discovered that cooking them… View Post
Apple Harvest Time
Our GoldRush dwarf apple tree finally got in the ground this year. If you have not tried GoldRush apples, you should. It is one of the best apples I have ever tasted, crisp, not too tart and not too sweet. Just right. Like the flavor of 5 apples packed into one. Stores for a long time. In short: The Perfect… View Post
Frog Friend in the Garden
This little fellow is only one of many reasons why I grow organically! I was just about to pick this Black Prince tomato when I spotted the frog. I’ll pick this tomato tomorrow instead.
Willamette Valley October Harvest
Today’s harvest
Parsley in Earthbox
This is the first year I grew parsley in an earthbox. I will certainly be doing that again. I look forward to enjoying harvesting this through the winter until next year’s harvest.
Cilantro – Slow Bolt Winner!
I have found a new Cilantro variety favorite this year. I have had a hard time with cilantro, because it always bolts and goes to seed before I can enjoy it. Late this season I planted cilantro “Slow Bolt Winner” from EvergreenSeeds, and it grew into wonderful, tasty cilantro that has not yet bolted! This may be the only cilantro… View Post
Planting Tomato Seedlings
Here is a short video of how I plant tomato seedings. (I should have posted it 2 months ago, but… oh well)
I am running behind on getting my garden activities for this season posted. It’s been a cold spring, and some things are a bit later than usual… Tomatoes are on time however – having been started March 15 from seed, then transplanted to larger containers on April 19, and I am now in progress with getting them planted out in… View Post
Growing in Earthboxes
I have been growing in earthboxes now for a couple of years. It’s a great way to grow. Space efficient, water efficient and it allows you to grow in areas where you otherwise could not – like on your deck, or on a concrete driveway/parking space. If you don’t know what an earthbox is, see the link at the bottom… View Post
Building beds for my square foot garden
Hi, Here are some photos from the building of my beds for my square foot garden. Don’t know what square foot gardening is? It is a very effective way of growing more in a smaller area. Please see the link at the bottom of this post for more information. Here I am, starting on my very first squares, back in… View Post
Starting Tomato Seedlings
There’s no one universal way to start tomato seeds but here is how I do it. I use Park Seeds Bio-Dome, a heat mat, and lights. (I usually use the 40 call planting block for tomatoes, but you could use a 60 cell if you wanted to – the jumbo size is really not needed, since you will be transplanting… View Post