Yesterday was a glorious spring like day, over 60°F and sunny. Today it’s pouring rain.
Good thing I was able to get a little garden time! I got peas planted, and used a granular inoculant for the first time. I was not sure how much to use, but it said overuse was only beneficial, so I sprinkled away generously.
I also planted “Micro Greens” in one Earthbox. I already have one box started, with the little greens sticking up their heads, but that box only had a few Micro Greens, and the rest was different salad mixes.
I was hoping to get some carrots and beets planted as well, but that will have to wait until the next break in the rain – and who knows when that will be!
I also moved some of my Bio Dome starts off the heat mat and out in the garage under lights. Most of the tomatoes were ready to move, as well as all the broccoli and a few egg plants and peppers.
Some seeds had not yet come up, so I may re-seed tonight in those cells.
This is the inoculant I used.