I am getting some seeds started in my Bio Domes, on heat mats.
March 4, I got tomatoes and eggplants started, and yesterday I got peppers and hot peppers going.
Then I suddenly realized I have dropped the ball on getting my broccoli, celery & parsley going. Where has my mind been? So I figured, better late than never, and got those going as well, along with some lettuce, some spearmint, vietnamese mint and celeriac.
I will go purchase some parsley seedlings as well, as I can’t bear the thought of a delayed harvest! Parsley is just a life necessity. Last years parsley is still happily growing, but I know it will bolt early, as it always does, so I can’t rely on that to provide our needs until the new harvest is ready.
Not much to see yet, but here are the domes.
What you cannot see is that I am using Kangen Water to sprout my seeds. After they are up and going, I will be watering with Beauty Water.