Spring season has started, if only indoors – with heat mats, and lamps. While it’s hailing and snowing outside, it sure is nice to have seedlings to watch, tend and care for.
On February 12, I got one Bio Dome planted, with Broccoli, Cabbage, Mustard Greens and Parlsley.
Today, 12 days later, I am hoping I did not allow them to get too leggy before moving them off the heat mat and under lights. I moved them only 6 days after they were sown, on February 18. The missing spots are for Parsley.
Parsley ALWAYS takes longer to germinate, and I am in fact surprised that all but one of the 18 seedlings are up today, just 12 days after planting. Sometimes I have had them take as long as 3 weeks. They must be liking getting watered with Kangen Water. Soon they will join the rest of the seedlings under lights in the garage.
And here are some of this years onions. If you want to see the process for starting onion seeds, watch my video from last year.